Judges:         Debbie Smith, Hazel Blackburn & Claire O’Brien

Stewards:     Julia Wigfield, Alison Vaux (Sutton Coldfield & North Birmingham)

                       Nuruz Zaman (Birmingham)

Staging of exhibits started at 08.00 with members from Sutton Coldfield branch eagerly ready with their exhibits as the doors opened.  There are some different classes in the County Show, as well as the usual light, medium, dark, heather, creamed/soft set & crystallised honey classes, there were 6 jars of honey, all one type & size labelled as for public sale, there were 3 classes for mead, dry, sweet & melomel/metheglin or cyser, there were beeswax blocks, beeswax candles, honey cakes and honey cakes to own recipe and small cakes or biscuits to own recipe, again there were gift honey classes, photographic class, and junior class comprising of bee relating exhibit.  There was a Composite Attractive Display which had to comprise of 5 items from a list of 9 items and a Branch Composite Display with the theme of ‘200 years of Cadbury’s Chocolate.

Well done to our members who gained First Places;

Ling Honey; Cut Comb; Melomel/metheglin mead   –  James Mundye

Sweet mead; Item of beekeeping; Photographic print  –  Lee Greatorex

Crystallised Honey; Composite Display – Julia Wigfield

Frame for extraction  –  Becca Mundye

James was awarded the Congress Cup & Margaret Allen Cup

Novice Class ; Frame for extraction – Simon Gniadkowski

Well done to all those who entered into the show and achieved 2nd place and more

Izzy, Matthew, Leonie, Fiona, Lisa, Alison & Simon…..  all the points add up.  Birmingham did take home the Nuneaton Cup – Branch whose members win most points – Sutton Coldfield & North Birmingham came a close runner up.

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Christmas Meal

by Leonie Williams Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Beekeepers had their Christmas meal on Tuesday 10th December and it was a record turnout with 50

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