Apiary Close and the Conker Championship 2023

PHOTO 2023 10 07 20 52 41

Autumn marks two important events in our calendar. With our bees fed, treated and checked for health, it was time to close up our training apiary in Sutton Park. Tuesday 3rd October was our last meeting of the year and also marked our much anticipated annual conker competition.

The action was fast and furious, with some members deciding protective gear necessary. Policeman helmets, motorcycle gloves and hard hats being the order of the day.

A shock early exit of red hot favourite Alan (our 2022 champion) opened up the field.

Notable match ups saw husband and wife go head to head with James S the winner, Jitesh and Glyn fighting out a battle of attrition and Gary dispatching Will in the blink of an eye.

Leonie went through her games with quiet efficiency and for the second year running found herself in the final, this time against Roy. Alas, once again falling at the last hurdle with Roy being crowned Conker Champion 2023.

On an Autumn evening 20 beekeepers revisited their childhood and became children once more.Then they went down the pub!

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