Christmas 2023

Our Association Christmas Dinner was held at Wishaw Country Sports Club on Tuesday 12th December. It was a cold and wet evening, but gathering in the bar with the roaring log fire soon got everyone into the swing of things.

A grand total of 48 people were in attendance which included association members and their family members. It was lovely to welcome multiple attendees from the 2023 Beginners course. 

The food was amazing and consisted of a carvery with two types of meat, vegetarian offering and lots of festive trimmings! We were encouraged to go back for seconds and thirds, however, not much encouragement was needed! 

Then came the desserts…. there were 5 on offer to choose from – and again, we definitely weren’t limited to one!

After the meal, we thanked the organisers – Fiona and James Mundye – and also recognised the efforts and expertise of our apiary management team.

We then had a presentation for all who had passed Beekeeping exams recently. This included the Basic Exam and Bee Health and Diseases. Certificates and badges were proudly received.

A big thank you to Wishaw Country Sports Club – the venue, food and staff were all amazing and made it a really special and welcoming evening. No wonder we keep coming back – positive feedback all round.

Wishing everyone a lovely festive period and looking forward to meeting up again in the New Year. Happy Christmas!

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