Our 17 week practical summer beginners course ended on Sunday 27th August. This was marked with a quiz on subjects we covered on our course followed by a picnic in the apiary. This was so successful we hope to repeat this every year.
The attendance for the class of 2023 was outstanding and special mention goes to Alison who attended all 17 Sunday training sessions. Alison was presented with a hive tool in recognition of her dedication. A number of participants obtained bees during the season many of which were provided by our association. Others have preferred to wait until spring to start their beekeeping journey and we hope to be able to provide these with a colony also.
Our course not only provided the practical skills to start keeping bees responsibly but also access to a network of beekeepers help and knowledge.
A WhatsApp group was set up by the tutors and beginners and this proved very popular and helpful for all.
Many friendships were formed along the way and we are pleased to say some have ‘buddied up’ and are either keeping bees together or are helping each other.
The class of 2023 have really become part of our association and have attended our social functions and even won prizes in this years association honey show.
We hope their participation will continue in our club and they enjoy keeping bees as much as we all do.