Fiona Mundye

Association Honey Show 2025

Event Description

The Association Branch Honey Show is held annually in September at Middleton Hall, Tamworth. This year the show will be held on over the weekend of 13th and 14th September.

13th September will be the main judging and presentation

14th September, the honey show will be open to the public which be included as part of the Heritage Open Day.

Trophies and certificates are awarded for honey and other products and items associated with bees.

Entry is free and open to association members and their immediate family.

Following judging the show is open to the public and the honey show judge gives feedback on the quality of the exhibits.

Final date for entries will be confirmed, and full details will be emailed out.

Timings for the Day TBC

Schedule of Classes (from last year – subject to change)

Class 1. Two 454g jars of light honey

Class 2. Two 454g jars of medium honey

Class 3. Two 454g jars of dark honey

Class 4. Two 454g jars of soft set or naturally crystallised honey

Class 5. Two 454g jars of heather honey

Class 6. One 454g jar of liquid honey (any colour) – Gift class

Class 7. One shallow frame of honey for either extraction or cut comb

Class 8. One section of honey or one container of cut comb (minimum weight 200g)

Class 9. One plain cake of beeswax (minimum weight 227g)

Class 10. Two 454g jars of light honey

Class 11. Two 454g jars of medium or dark honey

Class 12. One 454g jar of honey – Novice class

Class 13. One plain cake of beeswax (minimum weight 150g) – Novice class 

Class 14. One 75cl bottle of mead (of any type)

Class 15. An item produced from products of the hive

Class 16. A colour or monochrome photographic print of a subject of interest to beekeeping mounted on plain card (maximum size 250 x 300 mm)

Class 17. An item of artwork depicting a subject of interest to beekeeping – Junior class

Class 18. Any item of interest in beekeeping made by association member or their immediate family Class 19. One honey cake

Class 20. Six honey biscuits

Class 21. Honey candies

Class 22. A pair of matching beeswax candles

Sutton Park class. One 454g jar of honey – Novice beekeeper

Routh Challenge class. One shallow frame of honey for extraction (as supplied by Honey Show Secretary at AGM)

Class specific rules

Classes 1-6, 10-11, 12 and Sutton Park trophy should be exhibited in standard 454 g squat clear jars with label fixed 15 mm from bottom. BD grading glasses will be available to assist entrants with correct class entry.

Class 6 the honey will become the show property on staging for distribution after the show to a local charity. Buy back is allowed at the end of the show at £5 per 454g. Proposed buy back to be previously advised to Honey Show Secretary.

Classes 7-8 label should be affixed on right hand top corner of container/case and on top bar of frame (Class 8)

Classes 9 and 13 plain moulds to be used and label clearly affixed to bag/cover or display case

Class 14 should be exhibited in a clear colourless cylindrical glass bottle and closed with a cork stopper with a white plastic flange with label fixed 15 mm from bottom.

Class 15 will be judged on commercial appeal as well as contents. This class can include wax, candles, cosmetics, polish, propolis preparations etc. A suitable label based on SCHEDULE 34 Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 must be included.

Class 17 to include title of item and age of exhibitor. 

Class 19 cake to be made to the following recipe and exhibited on plate in transparent wrapping with label attached to wrapping and plate. 

  • 150g butter, 175g clear honey, 15ml water, 110g soft brown sugar, 2 eggs, 200g SR flour. 
  • Place butter, sugar, honey and water into a saucepan and heat until fat has melted, stirring continuously. Remove the pan from the heat and allow contents to cool to blood temperature. Gradually beat in the eggs. Add sieved flour and mix until smooth (do not over mix). Pour mixture into a greased and lined tin (approximately 180mm diameter) and bake in oven at 180oC or Gas mark 4 for 1 hour or until risen and firm to touch.

Class 20 biscuits made to the following recipe and exhibited on a doily in transparent wrapping with label on front of doily.

  • 65g margarine, 25g caster sugar, 1 dessertspoon honey, 110g plain flour, 1/8 tsp salt, 1 tsp grated lemon rind.
  • Cream margarine, sugar and honey with lemon rind. Add sieved flour and salt. Work together into a smooth paste. Turn onto a floured board and roll out to approximately 5mm thick. Cut into rounds about 60mm in diameter and prick. Place on a greased baking tray and bake at 180oC or Gas mark 4 for about 15 minutes or until pale brown.

Class 21. Honey candies made to the recipe of exhibitors choice and exhibited on a doily in transparent wrapping with label on front of doily. Chosen recipe to be displayed with exhibit.

Class 22. The candles shall be made solely of beeswax and can be dipped, moulded or rolled. The candles shall be presented in/on non-combustible holders that allow the two to be compared. One candle may be lit to check for correct size of wick. Labels should be fixed to the base of the candles to be seen when in holder.

Challenge trophy class. The entrant enters at the beginning of the beekeeping season and is supplied the component parts of a super frame. The entrant assembles the frame, places it in the hive for the bees to draw out, fill with honey and cap to an even flat level to make the complete frame suitable for extraction. The entrant commits to exhibiting the frame at the current years honey show (regardless of condition). The frame is to be displayed in a stand provided by Honey Show Secretary and will be judged on construction, cleanliness, number of filled cells, its suitability for extraction and quality of honey. The first placed entrant cannot enter this class the following year.

Event Details

To register for this event email your details to

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Middleton Hall

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