Food behind bars

Our association was approached back in 2021 by the charity organisation Food Behind Bars. They wanted our help to give training to Swinfen prison staff to become beekeepers, who would then in turn pass on their knowledge to the inmates.

We embraced the challenge and in 2022 five staff members attended our beginners winter course with one also completing the 17 week summer course. Along with the training we also visited the prison on a number of occasions to supply two colonies of bees, site hives within the grounds and give a talk to staff and inmates. We demonstrated how to conduct a hive inspection and gave them the opportunity to handle frames.

Hopefully with the commitment and encouragement of Swinfen staff, skills will be learnt and some new beekeepers will emerge.

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Bioblitz 2024

Sutton Park is one of the largest urban parks in Europe, being some 2,200 acres in area and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), it

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Summer Beginners Course

by Julia Wigfield Led by James Mundye, assisted by 4 Instructors, Steve, Phil, Jitesh & Julia Sutton Coldfield Association runs a 17 week Summer practical

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Spring Convention visit

The British Beekeepers Association Spring Convention 2024 kicked off for the 46th year on Friday 12th April at Harper Adams University. This was during a

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Remembering Julian Routh…

Remembering Julian Routh… On Sunday 14th April, we gathered at our Apiary with some of Julian’s family to plant a commemorative apple tree. Our Association shared

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Apiary Opening

Our Apiary opened on Saturday 6th April for our first meet up and maintenance sessions. We split into a few groups and diligently undertook our

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