Beekeeper News

Bioblitz 2024

Sutton Park is one of the largest urban parks in Europe, being some 2,200 acres in area and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), it

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Summer Beginners Course

by Julia Wigfield Led by James Mundye, assisted by 4 Instructors, Steve, Phil, Jitesh & Julia Sutton Coldfield Association runs a 17 week Summer practical

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Spring Convention visit

The British Beekeepers Association Spring Convention 2024 kicked off for the 46th year on Friday 12th April at Harper Adams University. This was during a

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Remembering Julian Routh…

Remembering Julian Routh… On Sunday 14th April, we gathered at our Apiary with some of Julian’s family to plant a commemorative apple tree. Our Association shared

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Apiary Opening

Our Apiary opened on Saturday 6th April for our first meet up and maintenance sessions. We split into a few groups and diligently undertook our

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Christmas 2023

Our Association Christmas Dinner was held at Wishaw Country Sports Club on Tuesday 12th December. It was a cold and wet evening, but gathering in the

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Skep Making Course

By Leonie Williams The Heritage Craft Association is the UK’s advocacy body for traditional heritage crafts and publishes a red list which is a list

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Summer BBQ

Our association BBQ took place on Thursday 20th July with 75 Sutton beekeeping members, friends, family and invited guests attending the social event of the

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Food behind bars

Our association was approached back in 2021 by the charity organisation Food Behind Bars. They wanted our help to give training to Swinfen prison staff

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Annual General Meeting Report

Chairman’s Report 2022 With Covid restrictions lifted, our association was back hosting our 6-weekwinter beginners’ course at Langley School. 15 people participated with some continuing their education later in the year on our 17-week summer course. Our thanks go to Julian,

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Christmas Meal 2022

On Tuesday 13th we came together for our Christmas meal, which was once again held at the Wishaw Country Sports Venue. The food was excellent

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On Sunday 2nd October Sutton and North Birmingham Beekeeping Association supported the Fort Shopping Centre BuzzFest event. Giant stilt walking insects, accordion playing ants and

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World Bee Day

Sutton Coldfield Apiary took part in celebrating World Bee Day. We had a stand in Sutton Park to explain the importance of bees in our

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Apiary spring clean | Sutton Coldfield & North Birmingham Beekeepers Association

Apiary Spring Clean

Members of the Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Beekeepers Association got together recently for a thorough spring clean of the apiary in Sutton Park. Despite

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